We proudly offer in home and remote services!

In addition to professional consultation, we also offer advanced computer diagnostics to determine any hardware or software related issues.

Need data to be transferred from one device to another? No problem! Our team can help recover and transfer your data so you're up and running again.

Did you know that reducing clutter can increase your computer's performance? Our skilled team can help speed up and optimize your computer by getting rid of unnecessary software and updates.

Need to get viruses off of your computer? Our team of experts are trained and equipped to detect and remove viruses from your unit(s). Making sure your information, data and computer(s) are secure and private.

Did you forget your password and need assistance getting back into your computer? We can help reset your password and get you back on track.

Along with a variety of services, we can help set up devices like computers, tablets, smart watches, and smart phones in your home.

Here at Safe Mode, we pride ourselves in offering technological expertise that is affordable and convenient for our clients. Our team of knowledgeable professionals are prepared to assist you with your technological needs. Give us a call or email us to see what safety is all about!

Phone: (914) 920- 5755

Email: SafeModeTM@gmail.com

Available Hours for Remote Sessions & Repair

Monday- Saturday from 9am– 6pm

Available Hours for In-Home Sessions & Repair

Monday- Friday from 10am- 6pm & Saturday from 10am- 7pm